Hailing from Texas, Chelsea started Barley The Beauty Co. as way to approach beauty holistically using all organic products to create not only external beauty, but to facilitate internal beauty as well.

Chelsea Ewing is currently located in Brentwood, Tennessee, and has been a stylist for 14 years. While attending college in Houston, Chelsea found a deep love for nature during her geology courses. She found the lines, movement, color and texture to be very similar to that of human beauty, which led her to find her passion in cosmetology. After school, she started her career in West Texas as a stylist, working there for 7 years before she moved to Nashville area where she has also worked for 7 years.

Chelsea believes the foundation of beauty starts with a healthy view of who you are and what is beautiful about you. “From there we can play,” she says.

Beauty should be fun and light hearted. That’s when the signature looks happen. When you own who you are and play from there.
